Alrighty, so many of you know I've been a bit preoccupied lately. I promise I'll get back to posting about studio stuff at some point. But, with enough requests from those of you who blur that client/friend/family line to see photos of the girls I figured I better get some up. After 8 weeks of colic from Viv, we are finally in the clear and she is a much happier baby. Georgia (BBSE) - best big sister ever - is attempting with every ounce of her existence not to constantly maul her little sister with love. And failing miserably, so I'm on constant patrol.
Some might ask "what is the relevance of postings of your personal life through your professional website?" Though the girls are a currently a huge distraction from my life as a maker - they are also a huge influence in the context of things. My blog is a discussion of my PROCESS and life... not an exhibition space. My studio and home are connected by a breezeway. Metaphorically, a blog is just like that breezeway. When Georgia was about 3 yrs. old she did a bunch of really cool line drawing back in 2003 that inspired a whole new series of designs that I unveiled in 2005.... and the beat goes on....

Let's make'um an offer they can't refuse eh Bun-Bun?

Vivian Rose...3 months old and 20lbs!
That's a pound every week ....I'm such the
proud breast feeding momma.....

Ms. Georgia Ruth & Ms. Vivian Rose