Hey, everybody, I've moved my blog onto my actual website. I'll leave this one up for a little while to help redirect folks, but here's the new location:
Lulu Smith Studio Blog
Thanks, and drop me a comment over there!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
O.K. So - the question is to go or not to go. We in Seattle have such a great metals scene. Some very hard working individuals who care about keeping the rest of us inspired get a great group of speakers together once a year for our symposium. Only hitch is that I and my girls are stupid sick - have been for 7 days now with no end in sight to this head cold. I really, really want to go...Some amazing speakers this year. Fred Fenster and Kristin Mitsu Shiga just for starters....May I please be well by 7 a.m. tomorrow!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I'm going to Milan!

Okay so not quite... But my work is there for a fabulous show with my new European representative. Pretty exciting....
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sleep deprivation....makes us say funny things
A conversation between Matthew and me.......
Him: "Aren't there too many pig jokes out there right now for you to be putting your face in the cake pan?"
Me: "You know I'm a heathen"
Him: "Heathen yes, cretin no"
Me: "Yeah, just put a little lipstick on me and I turn from cretin to heathen in no time"
Him: "Aren't there too many pig jokes out there right now for you to be putting your face in the cake pan?"
Me: "You know I'm a heathen"
Him: "Heathen yes, cretin no"
Me: "Yeah, just put a little lipstick on me and I turn from cretin to heathen in no time"
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Geeking out on Kuler

My husband found this fantastic site a while back and I've been meaning to post about it on here.
Its called kuler and has lots of amazing color groups created by media and graphic artists of all kinds. Very interesting and inspiring. Check it out.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My Girls
Alrighty, so many of you know I've been a bit preoccupied lately. I promise I'll get back to posting about studio stuff at some point. But, with enough requests from those of you who blur that client/friend/family line to see photos of the girls I figured I better get some up. After 8 weeks of colic from Viv, we are finally in the clear and she is a much happier baby. Georgia (BBSE) - best big sister ever - is attempting with every ounce of her existence not to constantly maul her little sister with love. And failing miserably, so I'm on constant patrol.
Some might ask "what is the relevance of postings of your personal life through your professional website?" Though the girls are a currently a huge distraction from my life as a maker - they are also a huge influence in the context of things. My blog is a discussion of my PROCESS and life... not an exhibition space. My studio and home are connected by a breezeway. Metaphorically, a blog is just like that breezeway. When Georgia was about 3 yrs. old she did a bunch of really cool line drawing back in 2003 that inspired a whole new series of designs that I unveiled in 2005.... and the beat goes on....
Let's make'um an offer they can't refuse eh Bun-Bun?
Vivian Rose...3 months old and 20lbs!
That's a pound every week ....I'm such the
proud breast feeding momma.....
Ms. Georgia Ruth & Ms. Vivian Rose
Some might ask "what is the relevance of postings of your personal life through your professional website?" Though the girls are a currently a huge distraction from my life as a maker - they are also a huge influence in the context of things. My blog is a discussion of my PROCESS and life... not an exhibition space. My studio and home are connected by a breezeway. Metaphorically, a blog is just like that breezeway. When Georgia was about 3 yrs. old she did a bunch of really cool line drawing back in 2003 that inspired a whole new series of designs that I unveiled in 2005.... and the beat goes on....

That's a pound every week ....I'm such the
proud breast feeding momma.....

Sunday, July 27, 2008
From crappy to worse to pretty damn good
My day had started off quite badly... Georgia(my 4.5 yr old) had me saying "them's the rules" and had lost most of her priviledges before 9:30 a.m. Already late for my daughters school I spin around to see red dots on my beautiful new Orla Kiely bag - tomato vodka sauce from last night's dinner had somehow made its way 10 feet from the dining table onto my new purse. These things -- I'm increasingly noticing -- HAPPEN when you have two little people in your house.
Then at noon, I spend a few vain minutes cleaning up to catch lunch with my accountant down on the water. After a lovely 45 minutes of adult conversation - my sweet bleary eyed Vivian awakes in her car seat, stirs slightly and then I realize it's time to pick her up. Upon reaching around her sides my fingers get gooed with that turmeric-colored poop! Every kid has blowouts, but this was a mess unlike anything I ever saw with my first daughter. Suffice it to say I needed to ask the staff there for a dish rag they would 'never see again' just to even get us out the door. Of course, these things always happen in public. At this point I'm angry... at this point neither the gods nor the fact that it will be a full moon can explain the crappiness of this day...
BUT ....I came home and checked e-mail to find out Emilie Kleiner wrote about me on her blog, which seriously made my day. Emilie writes about artists that she likes and also likes keeping current with B.E.S.T. (Baltimore Etsy Street Team), design*sponge and lesser know arts online zines like ESOPUS.
Thank you Emilie!
Then at noon, I spend a few vain minutes cleaning up to catch lunch with my accountant down on the water. After a lovely 45 minutes of adult conversation - my sweet bleary eyed Vivian awakes in her car seat, stirs slightly and then I realize it's time to pick her up. Upon reaching around her sides my fingers get gooed with that turmeric-colored poop! Every kid has blowouts, but this was a mess unlike anything I ever saw with my first daughter. Suffice it to say I needed to ask the staff there for a dish rag they would 'never see again' just to even get us out the door. Of course, these things always happen in public. At this point I'm angry... at this point neither the gods nor the fact that it will be a full moon can explain the crappiness of this day...
BUT ....I came home and checked e-mail to find out Emilie Kleiner wrote about me on her blog, which seriously made my day. Emilie writes about artists that she likes and also likes keeping current with B.E.S.T. (Baltimore Etsy Street Team), design*sponge and lesser know arts online zines like ESOPUS.
Thank you Emilie!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
As she sees it

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Rocky Mountain High

It is always a privilege to jury into this event! Wish me luck!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My Month in Flowers!

You know those mags that promote giving one new flower to your special someone's door every month? Well, I've always wished for one and finally it happened! Well, sort of. But quite by accident. The combination of my daughters birth, my birthday and Mother's Day collided to make May a month-long flower extravaganza! I think I received more flowers in one month than I have in my whole life! Check out the parrot tulips and gorgeous bouquet from the farmers market! Also, Tiger Lilies, Skagit county pinks, and Forget Me Nots.....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A Prediction

A favorite pastime of mine is trying to predict things about the future. Mark my words... this is the next important color. It is an unusual yellow that I think will be appearing anywhere from compostable boxes to cars... The ancients long worshiped yellow - especially amber - as it holds the color of the sun after all! And as we hit this new time where we look for more elegant energy solutions... wherein solar power seems to be THAT most viable choice... It only makes sense that some variation of sunshine should end up in our everyday lives.
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